
The “Schools: Partners for the Future” Initiative

Pupils at a PASCH event in Munich., © PASCH/ Cordula Flegel


With over 2,000 PArtner SCHools connected in a worldwide network, PASCH is an international learning community that is not only fostering German language learning, but also making a lasting contribution to cultural exchange and improved mutual understanding.

PASCH: Education creates prospects – multilingualism opens horizons!

In February 2008 the Federal Foreign Office launched the Schools: Partners for the Future (PASCH) initiative. The aim of PASCH is to create and strengthen a global network of partner schools—over 2,000 today, and growing—with special links to Germany.

Learn more on PASCH-NET.de

A worldwide network of partner schools

In more than 120 countries, PASCH schools arouse and sustain young people’s interest in and enthusiasm for modern-day Germany and the German language. To inspire schools, teachers and students to develop vivid and long-lasting links with Germany while engaging in inter-cultural cooperation, the initiative supports member schools with a broad range of services and special opportunities.

PASCH offers:

Staff and equipment support

  • Teachers and experts from Germany assist the partner schools
  • Schools receive teaching materials and technical equipment

Advice and qualification

  • Teachers of German from around the world take part in training courses and are able to spend time in schools in Germany
  • Students participate in cultural projects and competitions, thus increasing their fluency in German
  • Education administrators are invited to take part in fact-finding tours to Germany
  • Education departments are given advice on how to develop modern curricula for German-language teaching, and schools are advised as to the selection of teaching materials

Language and study scholarships

  • Students have the opportunity to attend courses in Germany
  • Specially gifted pupils are invited to spend a longer period in Germany
  • Qualified graduates receive a scholarship to study at a German university


  • Students and teachers can make contact and improve their German and related knowledge with other German learners and speakers through www.pasch-net.de
  • Schools receive assistance in partnership-building and student exchange with schools in Germany
  • Partner schools network with German universities with a view to their graduates’ subsequent studies

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