Pensions from Germany (Social Security)
You have worked in Germany, now live in the USA and want to know how to apply for a German pension? This webpage provides information on the application process, pension authorities, possible effects on your US Social Security and more.

You can find detailed information on the following topics:
- How to apply for a German Pension
- Refund of pension contributions
- Contact information of the German pension authorities
- Information on taxation of German old age pensions
- Information on life certificates
- What shall I do if I did not receive my pension; if my address or bank account changed?
- What has to be done when a recipient of a pension passes away?
- Information for pensioners who would like to return to Germany
Please be advised that the information above is for applicants or recipients of a statutory German pension (social security) payment. Holocaust survivors usually receive restitution payments. These two forms of payments are paid by different authorities. However, survivors who for example worked in a Ghetto might qualify for receiving an old age pension as well. That is why many Holocaust survivors receive both, a restitution and a pension payment.
For information on pensions for Holocaust survivors who worked in a ghetto pursuant to ZRBG (law regulating the conditions for pension payments on the basis of employment in a ghetto), please visit