

Honorary Consul Blake Peters
Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Blake Peters © Germany.info


Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany


Blake Peters, Honorary Consul


Portland, OR

Postal address

3900 SW Murray Blvd.Portland, OR 97005Hours:Monday - Thursday, 9.00 - 13:00



(+1) 503 - 222 - 0490


(+1) 503 - 227 - 2549

Reports to: Consulate General San Francisco


  • All appointments are scheduled by phone to ensure attention to individual needs
  • Preliminary appointment requests may be submitted via email; please include your phone number
  • Payment is accepted in cash or check only; we are unable to process credit cards

Can process visa applications: -no- For nearest visa services please see Consulate General San Francisco

Can process passport applications: -yes
- Appointment with consular assistant required during regular open hours
- Please print and complete the Application prior to your arrival
- PLEASE BRING PHOTOGRAPHS; fingerprints will be taken in office.

Applying for a Passport through an Honorary Consul

Other services: certification of signatures & photocopies, citizenship matters
- Appointment with honorary consul required during specific office hours
- Schedule is subject to change on a weekly basis

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