
Old Bonds and Currencies


German Reich mark treasury bills, bonds and special funds

Claims arising from German Reich mark treasury bills and bonds and special funds (German Reich railway, German Reich postal service) as well as from the former state of Prussia issued from 1924 to 1945 were settled under the November 5, 1957, General Law Regulating Compensation for War-Induced Losses (AKG) (Federal Gazette, vol. I, p. 1747). Claims arising from these securities could accordingly be redeemed at 10 percent of the face value under certain personal conditions (conversion from Reichsmark to Deutsche Mark).The regular filing period under the AKG expired in the sixties. Thereafter, filings were possible only in especially well-founded, exceptional cases. Following the December 21, 1992, Law Regulating the Settlement of War-Induced Losses, this grace period definitively expired as of January 1, 1993.

German Reich bonds issued prior to 1924

For German Reich bonds issued in old Reich currency prior to 1924, the Bond Redemption Law of July 16, 1925 (Reich Gazette vol. I, p. 137) stipulated whether and, if so, in what amount these securities could be exchanged for the German Reich loan redemption debt of 1925. Generally speaking, the securities were exchanged at a ratio of 40 (gold) marks to 1 Reich mark; in the case of securities stemming from the inflationary years of 1922/1923, however, exchanges were made at much lower percentages of the face values. The period for exchanging these securities definitively expired by the war's end in 1945. From December 1926 to March 1945, the loan redemption debt was largely repaid. The claims still open at that time were incorporated into the provision under the AKG in 1957.

Further Information

Aside from any value they may have as a collectors' item or memorabilia, all the cited securities are worthless. If you require any further information on specific securities, please do not hesitate to contact the Federal Office for Central Services and Unresolved Property Issues, PG Securities External Bonds Examining Agency:

Projektgruppe Wertpapiere
Prüfstelle fuer Auslandsbonds
DGZ-Ring 12
D-13086 Berlin

or e-mail: poststelle@badv.bund.de

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