
“The Unpredictable East” - A Conversation among Alexander Osang, David Gill, Joyce Mushaben, and Sabine von Mering (May 9)

“The Unpredictable East - A Conversation among Alexander Osang, David Gill, Joyce Mushaben, and Sabine von Mering (May 9)

“The Unpredictable East” - A Conversation among Alexander Osang, David Gill, Joyce Mushaben, and Sabine von Mering (May 9), © Unpredictable East; Alexander Osang

24.04.2024 - Article

Deutsches Haus at NYU presents ”The Unpredictable East,“ a conversation among journalist and writer Alexander Osang, German Consul General David Gill, Joyce Mushaben(Georgetown University), and Sabine von Mering (Brandeis University).“

Deutsches Haus at NYU presents ”The Unpredictable East,“ a conversation among journalist and writer Alexander Osang, German Consul General David Gill, Joyce Mushaben(Georgetown University), and Sabine von Mering (Brandeis University).“ Long sidelined, misrepresented, and othered by West Germany’s hegemonic narratives, East Germans seem to have withdrawn further from the projections and historiography of the West. Perceiving a lack of representation in the existing party landscape, East German voters are seeking alternatives, and polls indicate that the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) will likely make additional gains in September’s state parliament elections in the former GDR states of Brandenburg, Saxony, und Thuringia. But what does it mean today to embody an East German identity, upbringing, and history, one that does not correspond to the two-dimensional representations dominating the media landscape, popular culture, or West-German imagination? How might we collectively go about complicating the tale of a unified Germany? And how do we best acknowledge the diversity and complexity of East German identity and amend the real-life disparities that have become apparent? To discuss these important questions, this conversation brings together East and West German and U.S. authors, scholars, and official representatives to jointly think about the ”unpredictable East.“

”The Unpredictable East: A Conversation among Alexander Osang, David Gill, Joyce Mushaben, and Sabine von Mering“ is made possible through the generous support of the Max Kade Foundation.

Date and Time: Thursday, May 9th 2024, from 6:00PM-7:30PM

Location: Deutsches Haus at NYU, 42 Washington Mews, New York, NY 10003

More Information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe9pgAtiqxCALYday0tPo8AqC7G8KR1fPgFlVugNJgYfc5Y1w/viewform?usp=sf_link

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