
Appointments, Hours & Contact


Here you can make an appointment and find everything you need to know before visiting the Consulate.


Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Three Copley Place, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02116

Phone: (+1) 617-369-4900

Office Hours and Appointment

Passport Section
by appointment only
Make an appointment.

Visa Section
by appointment only

To apply for a visa for family reunification, for study purposes, or as a qualified specialist, please book an appointment here.

Starting March 1, 2023, appointments for Schengen Visa applications can only be booked via the service provider BLS International here.

Consular Services
For urgent requests that require in-person appearance at a German mission (i.e. signature certification for power of attorney, declaration of consent or renouncement of succession for use in Germany, authorization and acceptance of documents that are time sensitive [i.e. retention permits]), please book an appointment here.

Telephone Hours

Monday through Thursday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm

Please note: Specific questions about Visas, as well as appointments, CANNOT be answered over the phone. Appointments are made exclusively online. Due to high volume, we kindly ask that you refrain from calling our phone lines to request an appointment. To get in touch with us, please write us an email or use the contact form

Information on passport and consular/legal matters can be answered by phone ONLY during the following times:

Monday through Thursday between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm

Important Information

Due to security reasons, please bring a picture ID to get access to the office towers at Copley Place.

No guns, knives or other potential arms are permitted to the Consulate office or visitor waiting area!

No pets, except service dogs, are permitted to the Consulate office or visitor waiting area!

For security reasons you are kindly asked to keep your luggage to a minimum when coming to the Consulate. Please do not bring suitcases or large bags and backpacks. The Consulate General reserves the right to refuse entry to customers with bulky luggage. There is no temporary storage facility for such pieces of luggage.

Directions to the Consulate

*We validate parking for the Copley Place Central Garage

We are located inside the Copley Place Shopping Mall, on the corner of Dartmouth and Huntington St., Copley Square, Boston

How to reach us:

By Subway

Take the GREEN LINE to Copley. Walk across square along the Boston Public Library. Enter Copley Place Shopping Mall through Westin Hotel. Walk through Westin Hotel Lobby into Copley Place Mall. Follow directions below.

Take the ORANGE LINE to Back Bay Station. Upon exiting the Station onto Dartmouth Street, cross Dartmouth Street. Enter through Mall Entrance next to Neiman Marcus. Take Escalator up one level. Walk straight to the center of the mall to the central elevators. Follow directions below.

By car from the West

Take the Mass. Pike to Copley Square exit (Bear right for Copley). Upon exiting from tunnel/ramp stay left and turn left on Dartmouth Street. Stay left for one block. Turn left at Westin Hotel, onto Huntington Avenue. At next set of lights, turn left on arrow into Copley Place Parking Garage (address of parking garage: 100 Huntington Ave.). Park in Red Garage, if possible. Take Central Elevators to SKYLOBBY.

By car from North/South

Take Route 93 to Storrow Drive exit. Get onto Storrow Drive west. Exit Storrow Drive at Copley Square exit (Exit is on the LEFT). There is a set of lights at end of exit ramp -- turn right onto Beacon street. Follow Beacon Street to Exeter Street. Turn left onto Exeter Street. Stay on Exeter Street to end of street. Exeter ends at Huntington Avenue at the set of traffic lights. Go straight through intersection into the Copley Place Parking Garage. Park in Red Garage, if possible. Take Central Elevators to SKYLOBBY.

The Copley Place Parking Garage entrance is located at Huntington Avenue opposite Exeter Street.

(Parking validation is available at the Consulate for a discounted parking rate at the Copley Place Parking Garage.)

Directions within Copley Place Shopping Mall

Go to the central elevators. Take elevator up to SKYLOBBY, located above shops. Exit elevator and walk straight through glass doors to registeration desk. After registering, enter the first office tower located on your right-hand side (“Three Copley Place”). Then take the elevator up to the 5th floor. Exit the elevator and turn left.

Official Holidays 2025

In 2025, the Consulate General will be closed on the following holidays:

January 1

New Year's Day

January 20

Martin Luther King Day

February 17

President's Day

April 18

Good Friday

April 21

Easter Monday

May 8 80th Anniversary of the Liberation from National Socialism and the End of the Second World War in Europe

May 26

Memorial Day

June 9


July 4

Independence Day

September 1

Labor Day

October 3

Day of German Unity

November 27 Thanksgiving Day
December 25 1st Day of Christmas
December 26 2nd Day of Christmas
December 31 New Year's Eve
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