
Apply for a Passport in Atlanta

German Passport

German Passport, © picture alliance / dpa


If you live in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina or Tennessee, you can apply for a passport in Atlanta. Please make an appointment.

How to apply for a passport in Atlanta

All passport applications must be submitted in person. There are no exceptions to this rule. You must schedule an appointment. We ask for your understanding that due to limited capacity, we cannot accept applications from citizens who appear without an appointment. Please click on the link below to obtain an appointment throught our online appointment system.

Appointment System
Please note: The use of mobile devices may result in reduced functionality of the appointment system or wrong bookings. We therefore recommend using desktop computers or laptops when making online appointments.

Download the application form and learn about the requirements

Passport applications requiring a name declaration cannot be processed until the appropriate declaration has been submitted. It is therefore essential that you check whether or not you are required to submit a name declaration. For example, a name declaration is required if you have married since your last passport was issued and you changed your surname. A name declaration is also required if this is the first time you are applying for a passport for your child and you and your spouse do not share the same surname. Additional information can be found on our website about Naming Law.

Passport application through the Honorary Consul in Charlotte, NC
The Honorary Consul in Charlotte is equipped with the necessary hard and software to accept passport applications including the biometric data (fingerprints). Applicants from North Carolina and South Carolina may file their passport application in Charlotte and no longer need to travel to Atlanta. Please make your appointment for Charlotte by calling (704) 333-5220 or emailing charlotte(at)hk-diplo.de.
ATTENTION: First- time passport applications MUST be filed at the Consulate General in Atlanta.

Further information about applying for your passport through an Honorary Consul

Download the application form and learn about the requirements

Passport pictures for Atlanta

Since the FedEx Office close to the Consulate General recently did not have photo paper in stock, we recommend that you get passport photos (in accordance with German requirements) before you come to the Consulate General:

Two identical biometric recent passport photos (Please do not cut the photos yourself!)
Sample Photos for Passports PDF / 550 KB

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