Melanie Moltmann - Curriculum Vitae

Consul General Melanie Moltmann, © Germany.info
Born April 19, 1975, married, 3 children
2021 | Consul General in Atlanta |
2018-2021 | Deputy Head of Division, Division for Immigration Law, Visa and Immigration Policy in Berlin, Germany |
2013-2018 | Deputy Head of Mission and Counselor for Cultural and Press Affairs, German Embassy Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
2010-2013 | Desk Officer, Division for South East Asia and the Pacific in Berlin, Germany |
2006-2010 | Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy Yerevan, Armenia |
2005-2006 | Training at the Diplomatic Academy in Bonn and Berlin (Attaché) |
2001-2004 | Legal training at the Court of Cassation in Schleswig, Germany |
2000-2001 | Study of Law (L.L.M.) in Moscow, Russia |
1994-2000 | Study of Law in Kiel, Germany and Glasgow, UK |