Wunderbar together

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, SPD, in front of the Capitol in Washington, D.C., © Thomas Imo/photothek.net
Join us for a year-long festival celebrating the German-American friendship through dialogue, experience, and exchange.
We believe in German-American friendship.
Our countries are united through deep historical ties, shared values, and bold visions for the future.
Join us for a year-long festival celebrating the transatlantic partnership through dialogue, experience, and exchange.
Together we will show how closely our two countries are linked by heritage, common values, and shared interests. In particular, the festival events will illustrate how we can have a brighter future if we tackle global challenges together by focusing on dialogue, exchange, and cooperation between people.

Wunderbar together aims to convey a multifaceted image of Germany in the U.S. All areas relevant to society – ranging from culture, business and industry, science, education, civil society, to sports – will be explored. Germany and the U.S. are linked through a centuries-long common history. German immigrants have helped shape the development of the U.S., while the successful development of post-war Germany is inextricably linked to U.S. engagement. Wunderbar together builds on this success story and aims to deepen the transatlantic dialogue.
Wunderbar together is financed by the German Federal Foreign Office, implemented by the Goethe-Institut, and supported by the Federation of German Industries (BDI).
Learn more at www.wunderbartogether.org and join us for an event close to you.