Welcome to the website of the German Consulate General in Miami. The Consulate General’s area of jurisdiction covers the State of Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
Consul General Christofer Burger
Florida is more than sunshine and high tech: a global gateway for trade, culture and innovation – areas in which Germany has more to offer than almost any other country. Our mission is to promote exchange and the opportunities it creates.
Consul General Christofer Burger
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany 100 N. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2200 Miami, Florida, 33132
Phone hours: Monday - Thursday 1:30pm - 2:30pm Legal Department Monday - Thursday 1:30pm - 2:30pm Legal Department
Please note that you are required to schedule an appointment for all consular services.
*Weapons are not permitted in the German Consulate General Miami*
Please direct inquiries regarding visa, passport, legal matters as well as Covid-19 regulations via our contact form.
The Legal and Consular Department of the Consulate is open to the public Monday through Friday, but will be closed on the following German and American Holidays:
January 1
New Year's Day
January 20
Martin Luther King Day
February 17
President's Day
April 18
Good Friday
April 21
Easter Monday
May 26
Memorial Day
June 9
July 4
Independence Day
September 1
Labor Day
October 3
Day of German Unity
November 27
Thanksgiving Day
December 24
Christmas Eve
December 25
1st Day of Christmas
December 26
2nd Day of Christmas
December 31
New Year's Eve
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Hinweis: Bei Benutzung einer Telefon- bzw. Faxverbindung via Satellit (Satcom) entstehen höhere Gebühren.
Note on barrier-free access
Information about Accessibility The Consulate General strives to provide its visitors with the best possible accessibility of our offices. The entrance and the lobby of building, where the Consulate General is located, meets ADA requirements. All elevators to the Consulate General offer directions in Braille. There are no ADA compliant bathrooms available. If you have questions concerning accessibility or require additional support, please contact us.